Memorial Day Free Download Patriotic Picture

'One thing worries me...will people...want to forget the whole thing happened?' Lt. J.G. Richard Strandberg

Landing Zone Pick Up

Dear America is the novel you will use for your Reading and Responding outcome. You will need to complete a variety of S/N activities and write a text response essay to complete this unit. Keep in mind that you might choose Dear America as the text you focus on for your exam.

This blogspace has been set up to enhance your study of the text and develop your language and writing skills. It is a collaborative space where you can share and discuss your learning. Perhaps most importantly, this allows you to conference and comment on each others' writing to improve your prowess as we get closer and closer to exam time. You can access the VCAA website for detailed assessment and exam information to build your knowledge of what is required in text response essays.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Vietnam War - Timeline

Working in pairs use this timeline activity as a starting point to developing your background knowledge of the conflict in Vietnam. Your PowerPoint responses will be an S/N activity. When complete put them in my electronic pigeonhole and I will figure out how to present them on the blog. It will be interesting to see what the variety of the images are.

Monday, January 25, 2010

How to post to our blogs

This Jing provides you with the basics on blog posting.

To view the images in a large screen click on this link: post_to_the_blogs

Accessing and Navigating Our Blogs

This Jing explains how to easily move about our different blog sites and pages.

When I recorded this I noticed the metalanguage link on the homepage was incorrect and fixed it. If you would like to view this image in a larger size click on this link: access_and_navigate_blogs.

How to join a blogger blog

Very soon I will be sending out invites to this and our other blog spaces. You will receive them by e-mail and need to undertake some simple steps to accept them and join the blog. Here is a Jing screenshot to help it make sense if you are having difficulties.

If you wish to view this screencast as a bigger image click on this link: accept_blog_invite.